
Lockdown Solutions is committed to making our schools and campuses as safe as they can be. The sites listed are ones that also focus on that same goal. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a site to recommend.

Professional Associations

International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) advances public safety for colleges, universities, campus law enforcement professionals and municipal law enforcement professionals by providing educational resources, advocacy and professional development.

National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) offers training for school-based law enforcement officers, school administrators and school security/safety professionals.

National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officials (NASSLEO) offers safety, security planning and training as well as provides school districts and the public with accurate, authoritative information on issues relating to school-based crime and violence.

School Safety Advocacy Council (SSAC) advocates public policy in legislative and regulatory arenas, and works to promote safe and secure school and community environments.

Federal Agencies

School Safety Info is a collaborative effort funded through a grant from the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and U.S. Department of Justice. The site is a wealth of information on school and campus safety and security.

National Center for Campus Public Safety promotes innovative practices specific to campus public safety efforts and develops comprehensive responses, resources and strategies. provides tips, fact, toolkits, training materials and more that can be used to help address problems associated with bullying and cyberbullying.

U.S. Department of Education, Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center support in school emergency management, including the development and implementation of comprehensive all-hazards emergency management plans.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) School Safety enhances school safety by offering funding, training and resources for emergency preparedness, training school bus drivers in security and hardening school buildings’ vulnerability.

For-Profit Resources

The Alice Training Institute (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) offers training based on a set of proactive strategies aimed at increasing chances of survival during an armed intruder event.

Allegion offers tools and resources to improve your school’s security.

e-Copp is an internet safety education program that involves schools, local law enforcement, parents, children and the community in promoting safe use of the Internet and online resources.

National School Safety and Security Services is a national consulting firm specializing in school security and crisis preparedness training, security assessments and related safety consulting for schools.

SafeSchools offers a free 30-day trial that grants access to more than 300 online training courses written and designed specifically for the needs of school systems.

Nonprofit Organizations

Educator School Safety Network helps keep schools safe by providing training, services and resources to educators, administrators, school-based law enforcement emergency responders and other stakeholders.

National School Safety Center (NSSC) provides training, technical assistance and school safety site assessments, and targets both law enforcement professionals and educators.

Safe and Sound: A Sandy Hook Initiative, started by the Sandy Hook community, offers a model school safety program and tools to implement it, along with discussion forums, training tools and exercises, and a newsletter.

Safe Havens International is committed to helping schools and school systems improve crisis preparedness and campus safety, working with schools on national and international levels in planning, coordinating and evaluating a wide range of school crisis simulations.

Safe Routes to School National Partnership is a network of more than 600 nonprofit organizations, government agencies, schools and professionals working together to advance the Safe Routes to School movement in the United States.

Resource Materials

Active Shooter: How to Respond (October 2008). Because active shooter situations are often over before law enforcement arrives, individuals must be prepared to deal with an active shooter situation.

Bullying in Schools: An Overview (February 2011). This bulletin provides an overview of studies funded by OJJDP, a summary of the researchers’ findings, and recommendations for policy and practice.

Campus Attacks: Targeted Violence Affecting Institutions of Higher Education (prepared by FBI, U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education) presents research on targeted violence in institutions of higher education.

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education (prepared by U.S. Departments of Education, Homeland Security, Justice, and Health and Human Services, FEMA and FBI) focuses on how colleges and universities can collaborate with local government and community partners to plan for potential emergencies.

Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (prepared by U.S. Departments of Education, Homeland Security, Justice, and Health and Human Services, the FEMA and the FBI) focuses on how K-12 schools can collaborate with local government and community partners to plan for potential emergencies.

A Guide for Preventing and Responding to School Violence (prepared by International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Assistance) this guide includes information on school violence prevention, threat assessment, crisis planning, major crisis response, dealing with the aftermath and media relations.

Indicators of School Crime and Safety (annual report by Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics) presents data on crime and safety in U.S. schools from the perspectives of students, teachers and administrators.

Practical Information on Crisis Planning: A Guide for Schools and Communities (prepared by U.S. Department of Education) a guide emphasizing the importance of reviewing and revising school and district plans.

Steps for Developing a School Emergency Management Plan (prepared by U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools) encourages schools and school districts to develop emergency management plans and collaborate closely with police, fire and emergency services personnel and community partners.

“When Seconds Count” produced by the Texas School Safety Center at Texas State University, is a free 20-minute video on preparing to deal with an active shooter situation.

Lockdown Solutions, Inc is not responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied by other sites. Each site is responsible for it’s own content and visitors must use their own judgement if utilizing any given resources.