How Parents Can Handle Threats to School Safety
Some of the questions parents have about school safety may include how school lockdowns or drills are implemented, what other plans are in place to help kids stay safe, and how to talk to...
Some of the questions parents have about school safety may include how school lockdowns or drills are implemented, what other plans are in place to help kids stay safe, and how to talk to...
Features include rankings, student outcomes, and 27 million reviews and opinions Niche, a research site that blends millions of community reviews and opinions with hard data, today revealed its updated K-12 site which compares over...
Taking a proactive approach to school safety, security With the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary still fresh in mind, experts say the need to put emphasis on school safety is stronger than ever....
The same week protests erupted around the nation over the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, 800 school police officers attended a training conference on school violence in...
ALICE School Staff Training note: The Alice Training Institute (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) offers training based on a set of proactive strategies aimed at increasing chances of survival during an armed intruder event....
School Safety Director Is Hired to Shepherd ‘Cutting Edge’ Program A Union police officer has been selected as the school safety director to lead a new “cutting edge” countywide program that is said to...
Program can help increase safety at schools What if a computer program could make your child’s school safer than it is now? Most parents would push their child’s school district to get it. We’ve...